‘Magnificat’ features a choir of 25 women ranging from 23 to 75, who concentrate their communal strength on stage to find their own voice and make it heard. Conducted live on stage by Marta Górnicka, whose extraordinary choral works have made her a star of the international theatre and performance scene, the choir share biographical fragments, whisper quotes from newspapers and recipe books, and bellow texts from Jelenik and Euripedes, while sacred music accompanies their rhythmic speech. From this, a choreography of rebellion emerges, in an aesthetically radical evening of both poetic and political power that showcases the power of the human voice.
Swiss Premiere
Wed, April 15th, 8:30pm
Artist Talk after the show
Kaserne Basel, Reithalle
In Polnish with German and English subtitles
Duration: 50 min
Prices: 35 / 20 / 15 CHF
With: Ewa Chomicka, Paulina Drzastwa, Violetta Glińśka, Alicja Herod, Anna Jagłowska, Natalia Jarosiewicz, Katarzyna Jaźnicka, Barbara Jurczyńska, Ewa Konstanciak, Agnieszka Makowska, Kamila Michalska, Katarzyna Migdalska, Jolanta Nałęcz-Jawecka, Magdalena Nowakowska, Natalia Obrębska, Magda Roma Przybylska, Anna Rączkowska, Anna Rusiecka, Paulina Sacharczuk, Kaja Stępkowska, Karolina Szulejewska, Agata Wencel, Karolina Więch, Anna Wodzyńska, Anna Wojnarowska
Concept, Libretto, Director: Marta Górnicka
Score: IEN
Choreography: Anna Godowska
Dramaturgie: Agata Adamiecka Counselling: Marta Szeliga
Stage: Anna Maria Karczmarska Stage Director: Marek Susdorf
Light: Tomasz Sierotko
Production: Izabela Żerek
Support Polnisches Ministerium für Kultur und Nationalerbe
Kooperation: TR Warszawa
Das Gastspiel wird unterstützt durch: Culture.pl